Mission Statement
Carmichael School Mission and Goals
Children, parents, and staff work cooperatively at Carmichael School in a safe and caring environment where all children can learn, be successful and prepare themselves to contribute to a changing world.
Our Goals:
- Be literate
- Develop a sense of responsibility
- Be able to work cooperatively with other students
- Develop good communication skills
- Practice moral and ethical behavior
- Develop good problem-solving skills
- Show respect and tolerance for differences
- Be a life-long learners (develop intellectual curiosity)
- Develop an aesthetic sense and appreciation
- Live a healthy lifestyle (feeling of self-wroth and physical well being)
School Responsibilities
- Teach and model school rules and acceptable standards of behavior
- Communicate to parents/guardians student’s progress and other school- related information
- Consistently enforce school and district rules and procedures
- Treat each individual and situation with respect and objectivity
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities:
- Read and discuss the school’s School Climate Policy and Procedures with their child/children
- Support and generate respect for staff, school, property, and programs
- Reinforce behaviors that are consistent with district and school policy
- Communicate with the school about student progress
Student Responsibilities:
- Learn and follow school rules and procedures
- Respect the rights and property of others
- Exhibit and model positive attitudes and actions
- Make responsible choices using communication and problem-solving
Last Modified on June 8, 2014
Strategic Plan Tactics
- We will always operate a school which is physically and emotionally safe with environments conducive to learning.
- School and program plans will always be aligned with the Strategic Plan of the district.
- We will not tolerate behavior or language which demeans the dignity or worth of any individual or group.
- No program or service will be retained unless it makes an optional contribution to the mission and benefits continue to justify the costs.
- We will not tolerate ineffective performance by any staff member.
- As we focus on improving English-language arts and math, we do so within a balanced curriculum.
- No new program or service will be accepted unless:
- It is consistent with the Strategic Plan,
- Its benefits clearly justify the costs,
- Provisions are made for professional development, program evaluation and communication with constituents.
Last Modified on June 8, 2014